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Receive your Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch

from Expedition Self

Do you find it difficult to stay connected to YOU while making life work?

We've come up with a way to help!

In less than 60 seconds, you'll be propelled out of the habit-driven mindset and called into the MORE of YOU. You can seize the moment to turn inward and connect with your core Self. 

With over 40 years of growth 'know-how' condensed into 2 potent sentences, you won't find yourself losing sight of your endgame, anymore.  

We send these wise and insightful messages directly to your phone once a day to remind you to remember what you're about, to connect with your emotional body, and to reboot your energy centers so they can help you do more than just go through the motions of living. 

Try it for FREE

3 Facts That Matter

If you don't have a way to stay with new thinking, it doesn't stick. 

~The Brain Attaches to New Ways of Being THROUGH Repetition 

~Daily Life Erodes the Whole Self Which You NEED to Create MORE of What You Want

~Most People Give Up the Things They Most Want Because the 'OLD' Stuff Creeps Back In

So Easy to Get Started

With a TINY, and MIGHTY feat of Self-Actualization and effortless Daily Practice that says, "I Matter!" 

Try It Now for FREE
Testimonial Image

Stephanie McDaniel | COO & Mother of 3 

"The Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch always seems to come right when I need it most - with exactly what I need to hear!"



SELF is Everything

When you have a robust, blossoming relationship with your SELF, you can make anything happen.

You know this in your belly, don't you?

When your whole Self shows up, vital energy starts to pump through every single action of your day.

There's more we know. Life is notoriously good at messing with us. It shaves off little pieces of our aliveness, takes fragments of our heart and closes them off, and it sometimes dishes out really difficult events that threaten to undo our best laid plans. 

You are meant to be full of delight, and feeling, and capacity.

If you're not watching, all of this can diminish, without you even noticing it's happened. 

Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch growth prompts from Expedition Self are written through a uniquely insightful lens and are expertly designed to reach the part of you that knows and remembers what MORE feels like in your own skin. 

Finding your Self isn't about going to some big retreat and having an epiphany. It can be cultivated just by opening up to what lives inside of you and listening. Our prompts communicate directly to that inner Self. 


A True Bargain for the Self

But it's not just about the economics. We all recognize that time is an even rarer resource. 

This is a customized growth experience, packaged in a very tiny, but mighty format. 

It's the right amount of time for the right amount of money. And you get to grow everyday. 

We are not AI pulling together a bunch of random but soulless 'ideas'. These Daily Dispatch's are crafted by real people, engaged in our own mindfulness work, excited to connect with others who want growth work to be part of their daily life as well. 

Here's what you receive:

~Daily Prompts to Help you Connect Immediately to Self,

No Matter What is Going On Around You in your Life

~A Deck of 5 Custom, Original Illustrations 

for you to Color and Further Enhance your Growth Experience

~A Monthly Curated Meditation & Self Exploration Exercise

through Your Own Private Portal To Visit & Explore


Yes! Yes! Yes! Get my Daily Dispatch Started!

Michele Aitkenhead says, 

"I am a much more grounded person who is now able to have a voice that I can actually use, in life and in business." 

Sam has an amazing ability to guide you on your journey of self-exploration, where you dig deep and uncover pivotal moments that have shaped your life. She helps you explore areas of your life with intention and depth, resulting in transformation. She does it with kindness and grace.   Thank you, Sam!

"My work with Expedition Self has changed how I relate to people in my life and different experiences that I encounter." 

It's All About the Journey

Your journey is happening with every breath you take. You can either close your eyes and heart and hope for the best. Or, you can do MORE by being Mindful, self-aware, and  conscious. 

We know you want MORE out of life.

It starts by you recognizing yourself as the driver of this journey. You choose the left and right turns. You decide if you're going to do a stopover somewhere. You are making all of those moments come to life. 

Mindful Moments gives you a way to become more intentional and consistent in your quest to live a conscious journey.

Through our quick, easy, and thought provoking daily prompts, you don't forget to stay in the lead of your journey. 

Try It For Free

Somewhere inside, you know how helpful it is to have that unexpected tidbit of inspiration reach your attention when it's needed most.

Expedition Self's Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch is designed to show up, with the right message, at the right time. 

Here's what you receive:

~Daily Growth Prompts to Help you Connect Immediately to Self,

no matter what is going on around you in your life

~A Deck of 5 Custom, Original Illustrations 

for you to color and further enhance your growth experience

~A Monthly Curated Meditation & Self Exploration Exercise

through Your Own Private Portal To Visit & Explore
This Sounds Awesome, Sign Me Up!



Suzy Miller says, 

"I am now connected with my own power and how I can use it responsibly and effectively to create a great life." 

Sam changes lives. She affects people. And she does it in a way that only she can do. So loving. I watch people blossom in her presence, because of her presence. She is magic.

She generously shares her gifts with the people in her world by: making us brave, helping us feel safe in stretching to understand our real feelings and motivations, helping us discover our true purpose, and emboldening us to embrace and live it.

"I have learned what it means to be a stand for myself, first and then others." 

An unbeatable tiny, but mighty offer to help you stay connected to YOU!

~Daily Growth Prompts to Help you Connect Immediately to Self,

No Matter What is Going On Around You in your Life

~A Deck of 5 Custom, Original Illustrations 

for you to Color and Further Enhance your Growth Experience

~A Monthly Curated Meditation & Self Exploration Exercise

through Your Own Private Portal To Visit & Explore

You already ARE doing it - you make life work!

But you know that's easier said than done!

For most people, they live with this pervasive sense of feeling like there's something that's not enough about them, and the only way to deal with it is to work harder, longer, and more than those around you. (Sheesh! I get tired just writing about it). THIS DOING-FOCUSED LIFE dilutes the energy you're expending because you're tweaking the end result rather than the root of the foundation.

Power just doesn't work like that. 

You've probably already noticed this is an unsustainable fix because it misdirects  and funnels all of your power into the 'doing' of your life which leads to a never-ending, ultimately unwinnable, contest.

In the external world, where you compete with deeds, superficial acknowledgement, and acquisition of the good stuff, you can't truly win. Rather than investing and fortifying the real source of all that doing - your 'BEING', you diminish your true sense of worth and sadly find this out long after the race wears you down.



If you're going to go all out, putting effort into making your life be what you want anyway...

...then why not direct it inwardly, where it can have the biggest impact? 

Here at Expedition Self, we are skeptics regarding anything classically 'self help' because it often does exactly what it shouldn't. It targets that 'doing-focused' lifestyle instead of focusing inward, where you can use all that effort to fuel your real font of power.

When that well of personal 'juju' is fortified, all of your 'doing' comes from a place of wholeness - not lack!

It further amplifies your power rather than depleting it. And then, you can compete in the 'doing' race because your are coming from a different place with an infinite reservoir of energy and Self.


That kind of fix sends power to the wrong place for the very reason it's seen as a fix.

Personal Growth tools designed to tap into the entirety of your complex qualities and amplify your specialness, are well worth the investment because they honor your WHOLE Self. They also rally your talents, illuminate your deeper knowing, and give you a place to ground yourself more fully in YOU. 

You can then KNOW real, down to your toes growth, and It becomes easier to transform every corner of what matters to you. 

The Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch prompts are designed to give you a simple way to...  

Take More Genuine Action!

Have access to more inner power and capacity to 'stand' for yourself, practice self awareness, and connect to the source of your inner world - you. 

All of this without giving up your personal productivity and 'doing' in the external actions of your day. 

You'll gain other rewards along the road, too, like having a more confident sense of Self, and feeling less depleted, confused, or disappointed. Imagine feeling less compromised between taking care of your Self and the expectations of people, work, and life.

 Choose Changes that Matter 

With over 40 years of growth 'know-how' condensed into 2 potent sentences, you won't find yourself losing sight of your endgame, anymore.   In less than 60 seconds, you'll be propelled out of the habit-driven mindset and called into the MORE of YOU.

You can seize the moment to turn inward and connect with your core Self.  We send these wise and insightful messages directly to your phone once a day to remind you to remember what you're about, to connect with your emotional body, and to reboot your energy so they can help you do more than just go through the motions of living.




David Gdula says, 

"I have made breakthroughs on my journey to Self Awareness I may never have made alone.

Self work is a difficult endeavor for those who take it seriously. Sometimes, when we look inward into those dark places of our souls, we just don’t like what we see. Fear and apprehension, judgment and uncertainty, these things can serve to mask our path of growth and self awareness.

Having a guide, someone who can help us unravel meaning in our discoveries, is a gift. Sam has been that gift to me. She’s helped me learn how to be patient with myself as I navigate on my journey of self awareness.

"I have learned how to BE in the moment of discovery and to honor my thoughts and feelings as they are." 

Unearth Your Amazing Self!

Here's What You Get...

~Daily Prompts to Help you Connect Immediately to Self,

No Matter What is Going On Around You in your Life

~A Deck of 5 Custom, Original Illustrations 

for you to Color and Further Enhance your Growth Experience

~A Monthly Curated Meditation & Self Exploration Exercise

through Your Own Private Portal To Visit & Explore

Sign Up for FREE Right Now!!!

See What's Really Going On 

Life is full, busy, and so very demanding. And it's too easy to get caught up in DOING only to realize you've forgotten what makes you feel truly fulfilled.

Don't let this happen to you!  

You start going through the motions. Reactions like being annoyed at your important people or feeling plain old fatigued become just normal ways of dealing with the TOO MUCH! 

By receiving Your Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch growth prompts, you'll break out of that chronic energy-draining routine a little bit more each day. 

Cracking through your drive for 'doing' will reveal the unseen motivation that's actually running YOUR show.

Your truth is buried under all of that routine and over-loaded 'To Do' list and always looking for an escape hatch to get to the surface of your awareness. This is why mindfulness is such a powerful tool and important investment in YOU.

Freedom may seem too lofty a goal, but we know as one message builds on top of the other, that's exactly what happens.

You will suddenly have the freedom to experience every single moment with power, choice, and creativity.

A message from Sam, the founder of Expedition Self

You Are A Powerhouse of Being

I know growth. 40+ years of working with people and crafting life-altering growth plans for those like you has shown me this, over and over...

You are a complex, beautiful source of deeply intelligent, personal insights.

You contain a wealth of knowledge about exactly who you are, what you need, and where you want to go in this life.

You're just too darn busy doing life to notice it!

Do you know that you probably bring less than 5% of your innate capacity and talent to your actions and activities? 

The Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch growth prompts give you a simple, precisely-targeted and easy way to pause and listen to what's happening with you.

With each message you will regain more of the essential connection with your Self, your WHOLE Self, so you can bring more of you to every other moment.

Build Better Relationships

The problem with the generic self-help thing is it's based on fixing something that's 'wrong' with you. It also provokes you to change behavior rather than evolve so you can earn the 'gold star' that you 'did it'.

As whole human beings, we're so much more than that. And when you can make daily contact with the you that's not just about implementing your 'to do' list and being responsible for getting through the 'too-packed' day, you'll build a bigger, deeper, stronger relationship with you.

We can make a very strong claim that The Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch is not designed to be a 'self-help' tool ...

... Because it speaks to the humanness in you and amplifies THAT voice.

We spend too much time judging the Self instead of befriending it, listening to it, and giving it leverage with our thoughts.

No matter how your journey goes, the foundation of that journey is to keep nurturing a better and more inter-connected relationship with all the parts of your Self. 

Every added layer of personal connection you generate can be brought to any relationship that matters most to you. And these relationships are the gems of life. It's been proven over and over, the better they go, the happier you are. 

It's not just another text you have to read!

Information overload is a real 'thing' in this day and age. But the Daily Dispatch will become part of your 'go to' for not just getting through the day, but for getting bigger than anything that goes down in the day. You'll have that little extra tool, that lands in your messages, reminding you that YOU are important, your feelings need tending to, and you can listen without feeling reactive.

This is THAT moment when You Click Here!

About Us

Expedition Self is an organization dedicated to helping people assume more personal responsibility for their lives, become dynamic self-leaders, and engage in more healthy and powerful relationships. We do all of this by mapping and navigating a more robust, complete and interactive relationship with the unlimited nature of Self.

Having facilitated, taught, and guided people in their growth work for over 4 decades, they offer online courses, a community of like-minded seekers, and a heart-centered approach to personal self development



Ready To Pay Attention to YOU? 

Enroll as a monthly member and receive a once daily Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch sent to your phone.

You'll also receive a personal log-in to access a monthly meditative exercise and custom illustrated coloring pages. 

We wont spam you, we won't message more than once a day. Simple, consistent, Self directed attention to get you back in relationship with the most wonderful person on earth... YOU! 

TRY Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch FOR FREE
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Unlock Creativity

Here at Expedition Self, we're always innovating new ways to help you connect with Selfi

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Dive Deeper

You'll receive a monthly, guided experience to help you settle in with your 'growth prompts'.

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We're Always Close

We know what it takes to go inside, that's why stay easily accessible to you.

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Always Sharing More

You can expect to be delighted by all of the surprise 'extras' that will be sent your way.

Tidbits from Life with Expedition Self

Expedition Self is building itself into an online one-stop shop for Self Development.

With 12 worlds containing content galore and a virtual community to make it all a bit more accessible, this Mindful-Mini Daily Dispatch is just the beginning. Stay tuned!